Sunday, 24 February 2013

Third Time's the Charm (I hope)

Since I started blogging in 2004 (?), this is the third time I am rebooting this blog.  I really can't remember why decided to archive all the content back in 2005 and start all over again. Not that it matters now, actually.  Then rebooted again last year after with Writer's Block.  For the new year, I've created this new blog - using a new URL even.  For the last two, I just lost the inspiration to write. There are just too many months when I didn't write anything.  For the past year, I was busy re-posting gifs and memes and photos on Tumblr. Let's not also forget that I became quite addicted to the idea of pinning.

Now here we all are in 2013, still alive despite the apocalyptic prediction of the Maya.  (Please don't bother correcting me.  It is actually Maya because mayan is an adjective.)  I figured, what better way to convey survival of the non-existent end of the world (aside from screaming "I'm alive!") than to start blogging again.  But having a bit of a morbid side, I thought why not put an "end" to something belonging in the past?   So I decided to kill resign the old URL and just start fresh.  Hopefully, I will have more interesting content and be able to regularly update it too.

Now, we all know that the most common piece of advice on maintaining a blog  - schedule the update. So let me now say that I will do my best to update this every Sunday night (+8 GMT).  Now for the content - this site will cover things that distract me from writing - like shows I'm obsessing on, like Doctor Who or Bunheads, or Sherlock; movies and books i love and hate; news around the world that has got me thinking or riled up.  Every now and then I will repost photos from my Instagram account, as well.

There, I think I got blog 4.0 off to a good start. Cheers!

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